Brayden Russiano

Brayden Russiano2024-10-09T15:24:29-05:00

Keep Your Marketing On the Move

By |May 21st, 2024|

Transportation companies are always coming up with new and creative ways to reach their target audience. To achieve growth in a crowded market, companies must prioritize their customers. What is most important to them? How can they be best reached? And how can they stay top of mind, ahead of competitors? Bland billboards as the main form of transportation advertising are a thing of the distant past. Companies in the field of transportation are using a range of online tools to communicate with customers in more engaging and effective ways.

The power of digital advertising lies in the ability to accurately target specific demographics and connect directly with them. In the past, advertisers had to rely on primarily mass marketing techniques. Print ads and radio ads that didn’t allow them to drill down to their specific target demographic. With technology advancing at a rapid pace, advertisers now have the ability to target consumers based on an endless array of factors. Drilling down by age, gender, interests, likes, behavior online, location and more. 

In fact, some may feel overwhelmed by the seemingly endless options. The important thing to keep in mind is that you can test out a variety of ads and optimize as you go along. Here are 3 quick tips to make the most of your online advertising. 

    1. Keep location top of mind. For many transportation companies, location is a key factor for their business. With online advertising, your company has the ability to target people in particular places, such as major commuter areas or key transportation hubs through geotargeting.
    2. Test different types of ads to see which performs best. Digital advertising also makes it possible to create interactive and dynamic content that pulls consumers in and drives them to take action. Consider testing video ads, still image ads, and specific promotional offers to see which type of ad drives the best results. In many cases, running multiple ads at once, provides you with the opportunity to optimize your campaign as you go. This knowledge is incredibly valuable for your company to use as you move forward with each campaign.
    3. Keep learning! Digital advertising is an exciting opportunity for your company. It allows you to continually learn new information about your customer and use that to better connect with them moving forward. As your company grows, take advantage of attending conferences and seminars to learn more about the latest advancements in digital advertising. This knowledge will help you maintain a competitive edge and stand out among competitors. Marketing is a field that requires a love of learning as each year new platforms emerge, more analytics are available, and unique ad experiences continue to develop.

In summary, innovative advertising in the transportation industry has evolved from outdated billboards to interactive online platforms. By using digital media, transportation businesses may create unique and lasting advertisements that advance their brand. If your company needs assistance in developing your online marketing strategy or perhaps you are looking for fresh ideas to reach new customers, we would love to partner with you! Reach out today to learn more about how our team can help. 

Mastering Email Newsletters: 5 Key Strategies for Success

By |April 2nd, 2024|

Email newsletters are a cost-effective method for companies to communicate with their audience, distribute information, and promote interaction. Not every email newsletter is made the same. Knowing what makes a successful email newsletter is key if you want to stand out in a crowded inbox. Given that the average person receives between 100-120 emails per day, standing out can be hard to do.

Here we’ve compiled a quick list of the most important factors to keep in mind to execute a successful email campaign. 

  1. Find the right balance for your audience. This is essential; spreading out your emails too much could cause your audience to forget about your brand. Sending out emails too frequently can increase unsubscribes and cause subscriber fatigue. The goal is to aim for a regular time that fits both the expectations of your subscribers and your content strategy. Be open to feedback from subscribers and be willing to adjust your sending rate based on their preferences and engagement patterns. Gain feedback through surveys or polls to make sure that your newsletter frequency meets their expectations. Follow key engagement metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, and unsubscribe rates to see the impact of your newsletters. 
  2. Invest time into tracking your open rate. The percentage of subscribers that open your email newsletters compared to the total number of emails delivered is known as the “open rate”. It’s an important reflection of the effectiveness of your subject lines, sender name, and content’s overall image. Engagement and conversion rates may be raised by keeping an eye on and adjusting your open rate. Optimize your open rate by testing out different send times as well as subject lines.
  3. Deliver meaningful content. The content in your newsletter is a pivotal factor that will impact your campaign’s effectiveness long term. A range of helpful data should be included, including informative segments, product updates, promotions, industry insights, and visually appealing pictures. Create content that focuses on the needs and interests of your audience. It should provide your subscribers with helpful information that is tailored to their unique interests.T he goal is to create a reputation with subscribers for providing needed content, not just cluttering an already full inbox.
  4. Ensure your content is mobile friendly. Take the time to test your email template on mobile devices as well as desktops. According to Porch Group Media, 42.3% of users will delete emails not optimized for mobile devices. In addition, a recent article from Tech Report shared that 48% of emails are opened on mobile devices. Given this information it is clear that a successful campaign must keep mobile formatting top of mind.
  5. Build your list with the mindset of quality over quantity. The success of your email newsletters also depends on having a quality mailing list. While many marketers fall into the trap that more is better, this is not necessarily true when it comes to your email marketing strategy. The goal is to build a list full of your specific target market. Offer incentives to like giveaways, discounts, or access to special material, and focus on building your list naturally. Use opt-in forms on your website, social media accounts, and events to collect leads organically. By doing this, you will find that you have a more engaged audience and a better ROI in the long term.

In summary, an effective email marketing campaign must focus on several key points. Testing out send times, content strategies, and creative ways to build your list will help you build a list that is engaged and loyal to your business. If your team needs assistance building out a comprehensive email marketing campaign, our team is excited to partner with you!

Revolutionize Your Marketing Strategy: 3 Key Places to Implement QR Codes

By |February 20th, 2024|

According to a recent article from, 85% of adults in the U.S. use a smart phone. Given that fact utilizing QR codes in your marketing approach might be a game-changer for your business. With the help of these QR codes, your consumers will have a unique and engaging experience that connects the real and virtual world. Here are 3 ideas to incorporate QR codes into your marketing strategy today.

  1. Add Unique QR codes to Printed Marketing Collateral.

Including QR codes in printed materials like business cards, posters, and brochures enables potential customers to access additional information quickly and seamlessly. QR codes offer your audience a direct way to interact with your brand online, whether it’s through a link to a landing page, promotional offer, or product video.

  1. Add QR codes to Vehicles.

Use QR codes on your vehicle wraps to turn your company cars into mobile marketing stations. These QR codes may provide access to product catalogs, promotional videos, or even special offers. With this dynamic strategy, you can engage potential customers with your brand while they’re on the road and transform your company’s vehicles into moving advertisements.

  1. Incorporate QR codes into your Event Marketing Strategy.

Whether you’re organizing a conference, trade expo, or community gathering, QR codes will greatly boost your marketing efforts. Embed QR codes to link attendees to speaker bios, event schedules, and unique online content on banners, tickets, and promotional materials for the event. This strategy improves participation, simplifies information exchange, and makes post-event follow-up easier.

Using QR codes intelligently throughout these touchpoints provides useful information and insights into consumer behavior. Remember that producing engaging content that enhances the user experience is essential to the success of QR code marketing. Including QR codes in your marketing strategy is a progressive move that can help your company stand out in the crowded market.

How will you incorporate QR codes into your marketing strategy this year? If you need assistance brainstorming unique and effective ways to use QR codes for your business, reach out to us today.

3 Reasons to Include QR Codes in Your Marketing Strategy

By |January 23rd, 2024|

QR codes have been around for decades, and for a few years, they almost seemed to have lost their traction in the marketing toolbox. After the pandemic, QR codes have once again become a widely used marketing tool, connecting users with content quickly and seamlessly online. According to Forbes, it is estimated that 99.5 million people in the U.S. will use QR codes by 2025. Over the years these codes have evolved into a helpful marketing tool, bridging the gap between the digital world and the physical world.

Here are 3 reasons why your marketing strategy should utilize QR codes this year if you haven’t already.

  1. Quick and easy integration with mobile devices.

In today’s fast-paced world, smartphones have become a staple in our daily lives. With this, QR codes have emerged as a helpful tool for consumers. They offer an easy and quick method to access information. By simply opening their camera app and scanning the QR code, users can easily navigate to a website, landing page, or even see an audio or visual clip. This interaction with mobile devices not only enhances user experience but also eliminates the hassle of typing out long URLs.

QR codes can be customized for the transportation industry in a variety of ways. Motorcoach and transit companies can utilize QR codes in their advertising to track how customers learned of their services. For example, placing an ad in a local magazine with a QR code that takes customers to a unique landing page to purchase bus tickets. This would allow your marketing team to track the effectiveness of each ad and offer. Not only that, companies could encourage their advertisers and partners to use QR codes to determine the cross-promotion opportunities for each route and local businesses.

  1. Bringing interactive content to increase audience engagement with your business.

QR codes serve as a bridge for marketers to connect their desired audience with engaging experiences. By linking QR codes to videos, surveys, events, and free resources, businesses can capture the interest of their target clientele and create deeper connections. This kind of interaction not only enriches brand awareness but also provides users with content that they might not have otherwise taken the time to find themselves.

For example, perhaps your charter bus company has taken the time to create a free travel guide for each destination that you regularly service. To help passengers quickly and seamlessly download the free guide, you could include a QR code in the safety brochure in each seat back pocket. This guide could feature offers from local restaurants and tourist activities, allowing you to monetize advertising within your guide since you could provide businesses with key metrics regarding the effectiveness of sponsored placement.

  1. Bringing analytics and tracking to print media.

The ability to analyze user interactions and obtain important data is one of the main benefits of adding QR codes to your marketing campaigns. Marketers can learn more about user behavior by tracking the number of scans, the region, and the time of day the scan was performed. This data enables companies to make smarter decisions, improve their marketing strategies, and personalize their campaigns to better meet the needs of their audiences.

Knowledge is power. The more your business understands its primary consumer, the more your team will be able to drive brand loyalty that will increase ROI in the long term.

QR codes have maintained their place in marketing by proving to be an effective and adaptable method of engaging with consumers. Due to their easy integration with mobile devices, interactive content, and improved tracking capabilities it appears they are here to stay. As technology advances, the potential uses of QR codes in marketing continues to expand. This  makes them an important tool for businesses that want to stay ahead of the curve in an ever-changing digital world.


4 Advantages to Employing Interns

By |November 21st, 2023|

Interns play an important role in today’s work environment, providing a new and dynamic perspective that is helpful for organizational growth. Interns are eager learners who will contribute creativity and innovation.  Here are four advantages of employing interns for organizations.

  1. Fresh Perspectives:

A company can benefit from interns’ creativity and fresh ideas. The unique perspective interns bring can rejuvenate traditional approaches and help companies adapt to a younger audience. With their enthusiasm for learning, interns motivate teams to explore new possibilities and help foster an environment that is excited for new ideas.

  1. Helpful Skills:

Interns want to enter a company like a sponge, trying to soak up as much information as possible while also contributing new skills to the organization. Interns can serve as a link between academic knowledge and actual application. This helps to ensure that your team remains abreast of the latest methods in a constantly evolving business world. Skills learned in the classroom often incorporate the latest in technology and by employing interns, other team members have the opportunity to learn from them as well. This team approach allows the interns to gain valuable real-world experience, while promoting an environment that is constantly learning from one another.

  1. Social Media Enhancement:

It is common for interns, especially those from the younger demographic, to be experienced on social media sites. This knowledge can be used by employers to improve their online presence. Content creation and media management are all things interns can contribute to a company’s online presence. The company’s online communications can also be improved by interns’ fresh perspectives, making it more relatable and engaging to a broader audience.

  1. Future Employees:

Internships are a low-cost strategy to develop future leaders. Employers may invest in strengthening the talents of interns who are already familiar with the corporate culture rather than investing money in external recruiting. This investment provides a trained workforce and also generates a sense of loyalty and dedication among interns who value the opportunity for advancement.

Furthermore, interns are more than just temporary employees. They represent investments in a company’s future success. Employers can create a workforce that adapts to the ever-changing business world by offering a platform for growth. Developing a long-term internship program strategy within your organization will help to establish an environment that promotes continuous growth.

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