Madyson Cahill

Madyson Cahill2024-10-09T13:23:50-05:00

Understanding the Difference in Reach vs. Impressions on LinkedIn

By |October 15th, 2024|

We often get questions from our clients about how to effectively track their efforts on various social media platforms such as LinkedIn. After all, if you have put in the time and effort to create a content strategy, it’s important to know what content is performing best so that you can optimize it moving forward.

Here we break down the key metrics used to evaluate your presence on LinkedIn.

  1. Reach is the number of individual accounts who view your post. This does not count multiple views per account, only the number of separate accounts that view a post. As you post, it is important to pay attention to the day of the week and time of day for the various posts to see when your audience reach is the highest.
  2. Impressions refers to the number of total times that your content has been displayed on someone’s feed, regardless of whether the viewer clicked on it or not. In other words, the same viewer could see your post multiple times. This would increase the number of impressions when compared to the reach of the post.
  3. Engagement rate reflects the amount of people who interact with your post. This can be through reacting, commenting, or sharing. This can be calculated on your own through one of the following formulas or through a third-party app:
    • The first version is (total engagement ÷ followers) and this is a good easy way to calculate the quality of your customer base, however, it leaves out non-follower engagement.
    • The second version is (total engagement ÷ reaches), which is beneficial for gauging the quality of the post that was made, but impression frequency is not taken into account.
    • The third way to calculate engagement rate is (total engagement ÷ impressions). It’s always interesting to compare these rates to see if the engagement rate goes up the more someone views your post.

This data is invaluable to your company. It will allow you to effectively track what your audience is most interested in hearing from you. It will also help you determine what type of content to invest your time and resources into by seeing what performs best. Whether it is pictures, videos or shared articles, this will help you make your page an effective marketing tool for your company. If you are looking for help in building your strategy online, our team would love to work with you. Reach out today!

Retraining for Retainment: An Expense or An Investment

By |June 18th, 2024|

“You can’t fix what you don’t know is broken.” – Mark Szyperski

Many employers view retraining as an expense that should be weighed against others. An article by Lorman even states that “74% of employees are willing to learn new skills or even go through a retraining program in order to remain employable.” In addition, according to the article, “companies with unsatisfactory onboarding processes are twice as likely to experience employee turnover when compared to companies with more comprehensive training.”

This leads one to wonder what the disconnect is between the desire of the employees to retrain, and the inaction the employees witness from their employer. By developing more comprehensive and recurrent training, companies would be reinforcing their commitment to their employees. Part of the lack of response that a recent article from Forbes elaborates on is that training has commonly been viewed as an expense for the company. It is often overlooked as a key factor in increasing employee retention, which saves the company money when compared with the rehiring process. It is this mindset that has left companies short-sighted in terms of how they view training expenses.

So, is the key to retaining employees simply developing a focus on retraining and developing career skills to ensure someone remains adept in their occupation? No. A study done by Harvard Business Review (HBR) found that there is one more key factor when examining retention rates among places of employment. They discovered that while 41% of workers are contemplating quitting their job, this means that 59% are not. While that may seem obvious on the surface, HBR took it one step further. They investigated why the 59% of people who are not thinking about quitting are staying right where they are. It was uncovered that the businesses who were keeping their employees had one common practice: humanizing the workforce. This was seen in different ways across different departments, such as creating a workplace culture, both virtual and in-person, emotionally engaging in 1-1 meetings rather than focusing on work-related items only, and more.

With these two things in mind, retraining employees to retain and develop professional skills while fostering a workplace that promotes human connections are the leading forces in promoting employee retention. These should work in harmony, ensuring that the employees are satisfied with their management, stay sharp with their skills, and contribute to the long-term success of their employer. In turn, the company will save money due to less onboarding training costs, and increase revenue through a more efficient workforce.

The Name Matters

By |April 16th, 2024|

When it comes to your business, we recommend taking the time to set up a personalized email for your company. While it may seem unnecessary at first, having a personalized company email is a key consideration when it comes to building out your online platform. It should be consistent with your website as well as your social media platforms.

The most recent study done by Campaign Monitor shows that the average open rate for emails is 21.5%. One way to effectively increase open rates for your emails is to utilize a custom business email instead of a generic email. A recent article from covers a wide variety of reasons that you should consider making this change if you haven’t already.

Here are 3 ways this has benefited our team at On Your Mark Transportation.

  1. Consistency with our email name has helped with our dynamic team. As a company that employs a number of college interns, a consistent email name has allowed us to add team members each semester without confusing our clients. By providing our interns with their own email when they come on board, it keeps communication with our clients simple and straightforward. Even if they haven’t worked with a particular intern yet, they will recognize our brand name within the email and see it as key information not spam.
  2. Builds brand awareness over time. Every time an email goes out from our company, we consider it an opportunity to further build our brand. By ensuring that each email positions our company name and logo prominently we are helping to reinforce the online brand image we have worked hard to establish. In many instances, email communication is the predominant way we communicate with valued clients. Our goal is for each email to be easily recognized as ours. We do this while keeping in mind the other components of our online strategy – our website, social media pages, and YouTube account. Our goal is that through any platform online, our brand will stand out from the competition. This is accomplished by a commitment to building brand awareness through each and every piece of communication.
  3. Prioritizes online safety for our business. Using a personalized email allows for better control over settings that could risk your confidential business information. This control makes it easier to communicate secure business information, lessening the fear of someone getting into the account. This is important not only for the safety of our business but also for that of our clients.

Lastly, here’s one piece of advice before you go to purchase your new custom email. Danielle Keister, founder and industry mentor of Administrative Consultants Association, guides her email by one phrase: “people do business with people”. She recommends that one of the best things you can do is to put your name at the beginning of the email versus a title that you have, such as “admin” or “service”. This once again reinforces the idea that the email is not spam, which will result in a larger open rate and more clicks.

If you need additional assistance setting up a personalized email for your business, reach out to learn more about how our team can help.

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