If you’re considering writing a press release for your business but don’t know where to start, consider these tips:

Start out strong.

Did you know most people stop reading an article after a single scroll down on their phone? And the higher the word count, the more likely you are to lose your readers toward the end of your press release.

Because of this, the most important thing you can do when writing a press release is to grab the attention of your readers from the get-go.

Make sure your most important information is in the first paragraph of your press release. If you save the most important piece for the end, chances are, no one will see it.

Make sure to include all the details.

It seems simple, but be sure to include all of the important information about your business in your press release. Having an event? Be sure to include the date, time and location of your event.

And don’t assume that people know who you are and what you do. It’s often good to include a description of your business at the end of your release.

Also, be sure to include your contact information in your release, including your business address and phone number.

Tell a story.

A well written press release tells a narrative. This will help draw in your readers. Maybe you have an employee who is celebrating an anniversary with your company. Instead of simply stating the facts – for example: Employee X has been with the company for XX years, and the company celebrated on XX date at XX place and presented him or her with XX award – try engaging your audience with an anecdote.

Maybe Employee X started with the company on the ground level and worked his or her way up to an upper level position. Maybe Employee X is known for bringing donuts to all his or her coworkers each Friday. Maybe Employee X volunteers as a representative for your business feeding the homeless each month.

Whatever Employee X’s story is – that is more interesting than just telling your audience how long he or she has been employed with your business. It also makes it more likely a media outlet will want to run your release, or why they might even consider writing a story of their own on your business.

Of course, if the idea of writing your own press release seems daunting, you can always contact us at On Your Mark Transportation, LLC.  Contact us a 615-669-0107.