ON YOUR MARK Blog2024-01-12T22:34:34-06:00

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The Importance of Multilingual Emergency Training in the Workplace

Is your company prepared for an emergency? It is essential for companies to ensure all employees know how to respond in emergencies. This requires thoughtful planning and an investment into safety training for your team. When thinking of which safety plans to create, many businesses focus on fire and tornado protocols. Recent events, such as the tragic flooding that took place this past fall in East Tennessee, show the importance of including flood preparedness plans as well as offering training in multiple languages.

The news story “Flooding in East Tennessee leaves tragic loss, raises concerns over response to immigrant communities”  by WTVF Nashville highlights how many of the affected workers were non-English-speaking employees at Impact Plastics. This tragic disaster exposed a major gap in emergency preparedness for immigrant communities. As Lisa Sherman Luna, executive director of the Tennessee Immigrant and Refugee Rights Coalition (TIRRC), stated, “We noticed immediately the lack of language services as well as cultural understanding and outreach to the diverse communities that call Tennessee home” (WTVF). The inability to provide

By |February 4th, 2025|0 Comments

Keep Your Team Running On Time

By |September 17th, 2024|

A driver for GBB (Great Big Busline) decides to start his own charter service. This entrepreneurial soul figures that he can hold his costs down by using GBB’s buses, simply picking one up off the

The Importance of Sleep and Driver Safety

By |August 20th, 2024|

It was ironic, nearing the end of a 14-hour work day, and I was invited to a lecture on… Sleep Deprivation. The Australian Triple Trailer Truck Driver-turned expert was so engaging, and informative, that not

Is Your Website Security Up-to-Date?

By |August 6th, 2024|

You’ve created a website for your business that you are excited about. Your team has invested time and budget to create a site that connects with your customers and enhances your company’s brand image online.

Safety Systems to Review with Your Team

By |July 16th, 2024|

We were cruising down historic old Route 66 between Chicago and St. Louis on a summer night in 1969. The old Brill was doing 60 MPH (her personal best), when the gentleman who was training

How to Keep Your Employees on Top of Technology

By |July 2nd, 2024|

Keeping up with the ever-changing technological world of today requires an investment in time and resources that will undoubtedly pay off in the long-term. Continuing education and training will enable you and your employees to

How Big Should Your Fleet Be?

By |June 4th, 2024|

“To Be, or Not to Be...” is not the question. “How big should my fleet be?” is far more relevant to profitability in our business. Someone once said that he’d never seen any other industry

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