Hashtags have been ruling social media sites since 2007 and are a fine form of modern-world communication! Brands use keyworded hashtags across their online presence to optimize their potential reach.

Consumers come across hashtags in many ways. Primarily through tags they choose to follow on social media, trending hashtags, personalized content hashtags, and more. 

Hashtags allow users to easily brand the post and position them clearly in the online space.

Here are five key strategies for how to efficiently use hashtags to get the maximum amount of optimized leads for your brand. 

  1. Find niche and related hashtags to differentiate your business: Avoid overlapping your hashtags with your competitors, while still creating relevant and meaningful hashtags.  Hashtags should help to demonstrate the value you are bringing with your product or service. If you had a limousine service, an example of an oversaturated hashtag could be #Limo.This type of hashtag doesn’t directly state anything about your services and doesn’t differentiate your brand. A better hashtag could be #NashvilleLuxuryLimo for potential customers looking for their city and type of desired experience.Of course, when you are first beginning to understand hashtags, it may be worth using longer clumped word hashtags as well as separating each word. Example: #Nashville #Luxuxry #Limo #NashvilleLuxuryLimo!

2. Determine the best hashtags through trial and error: After you have selected some of the hashtags you think could be the most beneficial to your brand, take time to integrate them smoothly into posts. The amount of hashtags you incorporate is entirely up to you and your personal social media strategy.  A good number to start with is anywhere from 8-15.

With a smaller amount, you can compare which hashtags are helping your content perform best. One week after posting, compare your engagement (likes, comments, shares, etc.) to each post. This can help you determine how well different hashtags are working. From there, replace less efficient hashtags with ones with more engagement potential and repeat. 

 3. Hashtags encourage interested viewers to interact often: Hashtags can get you on the home page of people looking for your type of content! This convenience of directed marketing will excite interested viewers, encouraging them to like, comment, and follow your brand’s page. 

4. Research which hashtags are being used throughout your industry as well as other relevant industries. Searching through different brand-relevant hashtags for inspiration can be extremely helpful to create your best content!

Similar brands and creators are most likely doing what you’re dreaming of already, so take a look through the posts under hashtags to gather ideas for your page. 

5. Create lists of your used or planned hashtags: Creating lists of the hashtags you use across several social media sites can have many advantages. It can help you stay organized, note which hashtags are more efficient than others, and easily copy and paste when it comes time to post or update your profile!

Are there other important facts about the benefits of hashtags for brand promotion that we missed? Comment down below!