In today’s environment, much of your company’s engagement with customers and potential clients takes place online. It is critical for your business to prioritize engaging authentically in this space to stay relevant and engaging. Here are four tips to help create meaningful connections online that will increase customer satisfaction and build brand loyalty.

  1. Keep the vision and overall goal of your company top of mind as you create content and develop your online strategy. Whether you are posting on social media, developing content for your website and blog, or sending out company newsletters, each engagement is an opportunity for you to reinforce the mission and goal of your business. Before posting, ask yourself if this information supports your goals and fits into your overall strategy online.
  2. Tell the story of your work. Why is your work important to you and others? By offering an inside look at your company, you allow your audience to feel a deeper connection to your business. Chances are there are a number of competitors that they could choose from instead of you. Create brand loyalty by letting them understand the impact that they have on your business. Seeing the people behind the brand and the passion your team has for the work done each day, provides your audience the opportunity to build their trust for your business.
  3. Offer value to your audience online. Develop content that meets a need for them. If you only blast them with marketing and sales messaging, they will quickly lose interest and move on. Instead, create a strategy that seeks to provide your customers with original and helpful content that makes their life easier. There is so much “noise” online that in order to avoid being tuned out by your followers they need to know that you are only sending them the content that they came to you for. A simple trick here is to ask what they would find helpful, and build that into your content calendar.
  4. Be transparent. In everything you do make sure that you are fully transparent with your audience. If you receive a bad review or comment on your social media, take the time to reach out and seek to make it right. Follow-up and share how you handled the bad feedback to show that your team is constantly working to make things better for your customers. Honesty and transparency will build long-term trust in your company that will prove to invaluable.

Authentic connections take time and intentionality. Your business will benefit by investing in your online strategy. Our team is here to help you develop your platform and engage with your clients in meaningful ways. For more information, you can reach out to your Marketing Team here at On Your Mark Transportation. (615-669-0107)