Ever wonder what media outlets actually think when they get the press releases you send them?

While I can’t speak for everyone out there, as a former journalist and editor, I can give you a little insight, at least from my perspective. And the way I look at it, you really can’t go wrong sending regular press releases to media outlets that are relative to your industry.

It can’t hurt.

Look at it this way. What does it hurt to send your press releases to appropriate outlets?

At the very worst, said outlet will decide not to do anything with your press release. And while you may have spent time and effort writing the release, at least the media organization is becoming familiar with who you are.

Next best thing would be that the outlet decides to run the press release as you sent it, or in an edited down version. This is great news. Your business announcement will now get into the hands of interested readers.

The best outcome is for the media organization to be so wowed by your message that they decide to contact you to write a story of their own. This will likely get you even more exposure, as it may mean a higher word count and better placement in the publication.

Don’t be afraid to keep sending your press releases.

Sure, it can be somewhat exhausting as an editor to see weekly (or sometimes daily) press releases coming from the same business. However, repetition keeps your business top of mind.  And only good can come from that.

Think of it this way: The more releases you send on different topics, the more likely that at least one of them will spark the interest of an editor.

Of course, you can always contact us at On Your Mark Transportation, LLC to keep your content fresh, write your blog posts, add video to your website and social media, and have us keep your social media up to date with all of your happenings. Contact us a 615-669-0107.