Did you know that when surveyed, 67% of Gen Zers said they were more likely to buy from a brand that asked for their input on marketing or product decisions? Gen Z is arguably one of the most self-aware generations to date, and they value authenticity and sustainability above all in brands.

Gen Z is the name given to the current generation of young people. Generation Z consists of people born between 1997 and 2012. The oldest of this generation are reaching 25 years of age, with many now out of college, getting married, and starting families. To keep innovating within your business, it’s important to consider how to reach this younger demographic.

Below, you will find 5 facts to gain a powerful connection with Gen Z to your brand!

1. Your tone is key to communicating with your Gen Z Audience, no matter the media form. They want to feel like their general challenges and values are understood and respected. How your company presents itself concerning specific issues plays a massive part in how Gen Z may perceive your brand.

2. Gen Z wants brands to ally in mental health challenges, healthcare, and social/environmental causes. For example, if you had a Vanpooling company, it would be worth it to make posts highlighting how your company benefits the environment while connecting with Gen Z viewers! They want to see brands taking action through their work rather than passive PR events.

3. They are leaning towards “Usership” over “Ownership,” which could be a key factor for the passenger-transit-based industry. Gen Z uses a revolving door of subscription services alongside the rise of Uber, and Lyft is becoming more financially attractive compared to purchasing a vehicle. Extending your services to these individuals could have your business enter a profitable untapped market.

4. They want the public transportation “aesthetic” based on social media posts across TikTok, Instagram, Twitter, and others. Videos of “mysterious” individuals taking the subway or bus to work, all existing in the same place but in their own world, stirring up inspiration and desire in their curious minds. You can profit from this desire by showing them you have what they want – but make sure you connect with them as authentically as possible, appealing to their internal aesthetic desires.

5. They want to be a part of something larger than themselves and feel a part of a special community. Tying into the second fact on this list, when Gen Z decides to support or use a brand, their desired feeling is to feel a part of a community that goes beyond them as an individual. They want to support something that has a positive impact in the world. You can achieve this by responding to questions or comments across social media, consistently posting uplifting content related to your business or what your business is advocating for, and contributing to relevant social causes.

Use this information to form new and meaningful customer relationships with your brand’s Gen Z audience, and watch how the shift in approval will affect your online presence and profitability!

Is there anything else on this list? Comment below what you would add to better understand Gen Z Buyers.